Wednesday, February 6, 2008

2100 continued...

Timmy was riding with his mom. He was having a hard tim keeping up, because he didn’t have strong legs. They were on an old road, one still made by tar and asphalt. They turned into this dark alleyway. There was trash covering the ground, no lights, and it was a dead end. Timmy’s mother led him to a trash can that appeared to be against the wall. In reality, there was a small hatch behind it. They crept inside. It was a small room, with all the necessities- couch, bed, table etc. They lived there for one year, ocasionaly going out to get food, exercise and check the news. Anfernee had wandered the streets for a year. Begging for food, sleeping in shelters, and getting random tips for cleaning the streets. He was hopeless. One day, he saw a boy by a dumpster, reading a newspaper. As soon as he saw Anfernee, he got up and ran. Anfernee followed him, while trying to get his attention.
He never did.

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