Monday, February 25, 2008

2100 continued...

Anfernee was strong and wild. He was used to runing. While the small boy strong and fast as well, Anfernee was older, and he knew all of the alleyways in the city. Anfernee was almost at the point of catching up to the boy, when he suddenly escaped from view. Anfernee looked around, and finially started heading back.
Timmy was tired and weak. Although he had strong legs, his endurance was low. He wouldn’t have been able to run from the boy much longer. Good thing that he had the hideout behind the dumpster. He replenished his energy, so that he could spy on the boy. He knew that he shouldn’t, but his curiosity got the better of him.

1 comment: said...

I liked this entry because you have very good sentence fluency. You should write a book on this story and publish it! Good Job!